How to use WebSocket in .Net Core 3.x

  • .Net Core
  • WebSocket
  • Mehdi Mohseni
  • May 3, 2020
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  • How to use WebSocket in .Net Core 3.x


I am designing software for integrating with their warehouse management system for one of my clients. Communication with this system is done through the WebSocket. Integration via WebSocket may not be a common method, but it can be said that it's faster than many common methods such as Rest and WebService. In any case, I decided to write a short article on how to create a WebSocket server and client on .NETCore 3.


WebSocket (RFC 6455) is a protocol that enables two-way persistent communication channels over TCP connections. It's used in apps that benefit from fast, real-time communication, such as chat, dashboard, and game apps.
The WebSocket protocol allows interaction between a web browser (or other client applications) and a web server with servers lower overhead than half-duplex options such as HTTP polling and facilitates real-time data transfer from and to the server.
This is possible by providing a standard way to send the server without the need for a customer request, and the ability to send messages when the connection is open. In this way, a continuous two-way conversation can take place between the customer and the server.

Project Summary

This is a small chat server/client application that I wrote using Asp.Net Core WebSocket Middleware.
The Asp.Net Core WebSocket Middleware makes it possible to listen to requests on WebSocket protocol over normal HTTP requests. It's essential that we have the WebSocket Middleware in the right order otherwise we get requests after other Middleware.

ASP.NET Core Middleware

Middleware is software that's assembled into an app pipeline to handle requests and responses. Each component:

  • Chooses whether to pass the request to the next component in the pipeline.
  • Can perform work before and after the next component in the pipeline.
Request delegates are used to build the request pipeline. The request delegates handle each HTTP request.

Create ASP.NET Core HOST with WebSocket Middleware

In the Startup.cs we need to use UseWebSockets() method to add the WebSockets Middleware to the host pipeline. So, by adding that the Host accept WebSocket request over HTTP.

As you can see the WebSocket Middleware is configurable. The following settings can be configured:

  • KeepAliveInterval - How frequently to send "ping" frames to the client to ensure proxies keep the connection open. The default is two minutes.
  • ReceiveBufferSize - The size of the buffer used to receive data. Advanced users may need to change this for performance tuning based on the size of the data. The default is 4 KB.
  • AllowedOrigins - A list of allowed Origin header values for WebSocket requests. By default, all origins are allowed. See "WebSocket origin restriction" below for details.

Listen to WebSocket requests

After we added the WebSocket Middleware then we need to listen and handle WebSocket requests. The listener should have this signature to can be added as Middleware handler:
async (context, next)

I preferred to have the Middleware handler as a private method () but it's also possible to have it as an inline method

If the Host is running just for WebSocket request then we don't need to filter requests but if the WebSocket is part of a host which also accept other request types, then we need to filter request.

In the above code, I have done two things.

  • I filter all requests and only handle those that start with the phrase "chat". Note that I filter those that start with the "chat" phrase, not exactly the same as the "chat" phrase. This is because I need to get the ID of each client at the time of the first connection and the ID comes after the "chat" phrase.
  • In the next step, I will separate the ID from the Request Path and convert it to a Guid. Note that this process can be replaced with the Username and Password.
  • In the next step, I make sure that the request is actually a WebSocket request. If the request was really a WebSocket request, I will open a new WebSocket for this specific client. Note that here we use the Bi-Directional method. Because this is a chat program, I need to keep the WebSocket for each client. This is for when I want to send a message to all clients.
  • In the next step, by calling the Listen method, I open the port for the client. The port will remain open until the client closes and listens to the client's messages.

Client Chat Application

Honestly, I first created the client application on the console, but then, my interest in WPF led me to create it as a small Windows application using WPF.

Connect to the server

When the user clicks on the Connect button, I call the RunSocket method. This method is very simple. All I do is instantiate a ClientWebSocket and then connect to the server using the ConnectAsync() method.

I got the server URL from the user input. But I hardcoded the type of connection (HTTPS or HTTP). The only reason for this was the lack of time, and I hope to be able to upgrade the program in the future so that the user can also specify the type of connection. However, we use wss for communication on HTTPS and ws for communication on HTTP.

I also generate an ID for the client. Something that should be replaced in a real chat app with a username and password.

After I connect WebSocket to the server, I need to constantly listen to the server messages. I made a Listen task that does this. Note that this must be done via an asynchronous way. Any blocking of the process in WebSocket connections may cause the server to disconnect.

The ReceiveAsync() method reads the messages sent on the WebSocket in the buffer with specific sizes and returns them to the specified variable. Note that in the current implementation, this means that if the user's message is larger than 4 KB, the user's message will be broken in more than one line on the message screen.

Conclusion; WebSockets, pros and cons

  • WebSockets keeps a unique connection open while eliminating latency problems that arise with Long Polling.
  • WebSockets generally do not use XMLHttpRequest, and as such, headers are not sent every-time we need to get more information from the server. This, in turn, reduces the expensive data loads being sent to the server.
  • WebSockets don’t automatically recover when connections are terminated – this is something you need to implement yourself, and is part of the reason why there are many client-side libraries in existence.
  • Browsers older than 2011 aren’t able to support WebSocket connections - but this is increasingly less relevant.

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